What you don't know can't hurt you!

when i was a child you were never to question the adults. One of the wonders of growing up is that you start to be more sceptical. Things which would have sounded normal to a kid are met with "really?" from an adult. That is how it is with me right now. So I started thinking on the validity and relevance of this proverb in my life.

The proverb is partially true...If I don't know what I don't know, it is true it does not hurt.
But my actions without this knowledge will hurt. Statistically put - there is nothing called truth, only an approximation of what is real and true at a particular moment in time. So when I learn something, depending on the severity and importance of that information, it hurts. But, my actions post that don't hurt - neither me / others. However in reality, there is nothing which has any power, other than what you may give it, to hurt you. some knowledge is good and some is bad.
In truth, knowledge is neither bad nor good, it just is! Each individual then gets to choose how to use knowledge and is free to apply it towards either what s/he calls "bad" or "good" purpose.

For me the question is - what I don't know cannot hurt me, for how long? If truth will out...this proverb just delays the inevitable.

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