*.This smartness can be achieved by using smart materials like Shape-memory alloys (SMA), piezoelectric crystal, magneto-rheological fluids etc.
*.Smart structures can take care of their own health and resist natural calamities.
*.Differential settlement
*.Earth quakes and vibrations
*.Structural distress
*.Corrosion of reinforcement
*.Temperature stresses be continued.
Hazina Trade Centre Towers :Tallest trade building in Kenya.
Hazina Trade Centre Towers Architects Impression |
Kenyan Cementers had also bid for the project, but the Chinese firm won the project.
According to media reports, the Kenyan firm had earlier won the tender to build the 39-storey building following a US$68Million bid, which was later disqualified by the Public Procurement Administrative Review Board.
This led to the NSSF inviting new bids for the Hazina-owned trade centre in January this year.
Kenyan Labour Cabinet secretary Kazungu Kambi said, “This project has previously been dogged by a number of false starts due to legal hurdles, which have now been overcome.”
From a historical perspective, the Hazina Trade Centre project commenced in 1994, with construction works kicking off in 1997. However, due to financial constraints NSSF was unable to complete the tower block leading to its lease out as a shopping mall in 2003 to Nakumatt Holdings.
The 31-storey office tower will be, constructed atop the existing 8-storey Hazina Trade Centre building that currently houses the Nakumatt Lifestyle Hypermarket store along Nairobi’s Monrovia and Mokhtar Daddah Streets, which currently has eight floors, four basement levels, a ground floor, two mezzanines and one podium.
The high-rise, which will be completed in 18 months, will feature a vegetated roof terrace, a ventilated atrium, helipad and city’s viewing gallery.
It will also constitute a high-end hotel that will be expected to increase competition in the hospitality industry.
The project, amongst others, will attract US$1.15mn in lease collection income after completion, while it will also sell off some floor space, which will see it retain its real estate investment below the regulatory maximum of 30%.
Reinvent the Toilet : Burning, Not Flushing
The Ultimate Portable Toilet: “Next-generation” toilets as showcased at Gates Foundation offer innovative sanitation solutions that can save and improve lives around the world.
Read more here The Ultimate Portable Toilet!
Prefabricated Buildings Are An Excellent Solution For Shortage Of Space
8 Things Productive People Do During the Workday
Experiencing a highly productive workday can feel euphoric. But contrary to popular belief, simply checking tasks off your to-do list isn’t really an indication of productivity. Truly productive people aren’t focused on doing more things; this is actually the opposite of productivity. If you really want to be productive, you’ve got to make a point to do fewer things.
According to project management and productivity genius Tony Wong here is the secret to a more productive workday. He has provided some excellent insight into what he and other like-minded productive individuals do during their work week.
Harness your productivity by taking note of these eight things:
1. Create a smaller to-do list. Getting things accomplished during your workday shouldn’t be about doing as much as possible in the sanctioned eight hours. It may be hard to swallow, but there’s nothing productive about piling together a slew of tasks in the form of a checklist. Take a less-is-more approach to your to-do list by only focusing on accomplishing things that matter.
2. Take breaks. You know that ache that fills your brain when you’ve been powering through tasks for several hours? This is due to your brain using upglucose. Too many people mistake this for a good feeling, rather than a signal to take a break. Go take a walk, grab something to eat, workout, or meditate – give your brain some resting time. Achieve more productivity during your workday by making a point to regularly clear your head. You’ll come back recharged and ready to achieve greater efficiency.
3. Follow the 80/20 rule. Did you know that only 20percent of what you do each day produces 80 percent of your results? Eliminate the things that don’t matter during your workday: they have a minimal effect on your overall productivity. For example, on a project, systematically remove tasks until you end up with the 20 percent that gets the 80 percent of results.
4. Start your day by focusing on yourself. If you begin your morning by checking your email, it allows others to dictate what you accomplish. Set yourself in the right direction by ignoring your emails and taking the morning to focus on yourself, eat a good breakfast, meditate, or read the news.
5. Take on harder tasks earlier in the day. Knock out your most challenging work when your brain is most fresh. Save your busy work – if you have any –for when your afternoon slump rolls in.
6. Pick up the phone. The digital world has created poor communication habits. Email is a productivity killer and usually a distraction from tasks that actually matter. For example, people often copy multiple people on emails to get it off their plate – don't be a victim of this action. This distracts everyone else by creating noise against the tasks they’re trying to accomplish and is a sign of laziness. If you receive an email where many people are CC'd, do everyone a favor by BCCing them on your reply. If your email chain goes beyond two replies, it’s time to pick up the phone. Increase your productivity by scheduling a call.
7. Create a system. If you know certain things are ruining your daily productivity, create a system for managing them. Do you check your emails throughout the day? Plan a morning, afternoon, and evening time slot for managing your email. Otherwise, you’ll get distracted from accomplishing more important goals throughout the day.
8. Don’t confuse productivity with laziness. While no one likes admitting it, sheer laziness is the No. 1contributor to lost productivity. In fact, a number oftime-saving methods – take meetings and emails for example – are actually just ways to get out of doing real work. Place your focus on doing the things that matter most as efficiently and effectively as possible.
Remember, less is more when it comes to being productive during the workday.
What’s your secret to productive workdays?
Post by Ilya Pozin: Founder of Ciplex . Columnist for Inc, Forbes & LinkedIn.
Repetition is the teacher's most powerful tool, so evidently these Christian writers and the Spirit who inspired them are trying to get us to listen up.
How does the rejected stone become the capstone?
How does the presence of the outsider improve life for us all?
New techniques can beautify concrete buildings
To be continued...........
How the Africa-China romance is killing Europe
The latter partly as a result of China’s investments. Many have wondered whether China’s interest in Africa would trigger a new wave of colonialism and exploitation of mineral resources, needed to keep Chinese factories going.On regular occasions one would find media analyses of the China-Africa romance (like here) . And like a mother not too happy with her daughter’s choice of partner, the experts tended to be wary of the authenticity of the cute new couple. Even when South Africa became the ‘S’ in BRICS, the rest of the world (read: the West) had its doubts. Was South Africa ready to play with the big boys?
As it now turns out, what the West, and Europe in particular, have been afraid of all the time is how much the “Old World” would lose because of the new relations between China and the African continent.
A documentary on Dutch public television by broadcaster VPRO, that premiered recently, painfully shows the consequences for Europe now that it virtually has closed its borders,while China is welcoming African migrants with open arms.
The 45-minute documentary entitled “Black money: The future comes from Africa” (one could question the title) examines two things.
If someone calls me a Dog i'll consider it the worst insult and may lead to everlasting enemity but wait a moment.
What are the similarities between a Kenyan and a dog?
When I was a boy I owned a dog called Marugu.I say owned because I bought it at a few coins when it was a puppy, fed it on leftovers from my mom’s pot till it grew to a strong male dog. In exchange o the leftovers Marugu gave me fanatical loyalty.
Marugu was my entertainment tool, my source of food and my security. I used to go hunting, my Marugu was fast and angile.Together with other dogs they would chase and kill Antelopes. For some reason which am still to be told to date, They wouldn't eat their kill.They would wait for us to share what is rightfully theirs; they would not start eating until we shared.
When we shared we would eat the fleshy chunks and feed Marugu and other dogs on intestines, head, hooves and testacles. After hunting we used to hold Dog fighting contest. We would set Marugu against other dogs that are otherwise his friends and workmate during the tedious hunting job, and they tear each other apart as we would cheer and laugh.
Not one day did these dogs realize that they are the ones who hunted and so they have the right to decide who eats what, no,they were too royal to question. Deep within them they knew that if they decided to tear me apart I was nothing to them yet for some reason even when I decided to be cruel to Marugu and other dogs it used to coil its tail between the legs and submit, why am yet to know. Maybe some dark forces as someone said. Marugu and other dogs never stopped one day to ask themselves why they were fighting upon our instructions. They were friends playing nice games, and workmates while hunting, but when we decided we want to watch a dog fight all it took was a single command and friends turn against each other. And the battle used to be Ugly.
When I look at poor Kenyans, They remind me of my Marugu. Kenyans are the ones Who pay taxes. Leaders pay themselves from 800k with their taxes while the services and salaries given to taxpayer are the hooves and testacies I fed the dogs after hunting. Remember the leaders don’t pay taxes and the only work they do is sleep in parliament. So they are eaters we are workers. And like my Marugu ordinary Kenyans never complain. And just like my Marugu hugged me lovingly after mistreating it and wags its tail at me, we too sing for and clap at our leaders after adding themselves salaries from our money. And just like I would be nothing if Marugu decided to tear me apart, so is the poor Kenyans If they decide that the leaders will spend the night out ofpowers today it will happen. But just like dogs to us something holds them back and during these elections they are still singing for the same vultures who have reaped them off all the dignity back to power. I concur with the ones who say there are some dark forces.
How do you elect someone who is worthy 40 billion half of which he cannot account for when you cannot afford two meals a day. How can you elect a person who owns land the size of a District when you in Kibera cannot spit outside or else it lands on neighbors’ pot. How can you fight your neighbor because a leader said so. If you will elect UHURU,RAILA. I need someone to explain to me the difference between you and Marugu. I know what you are going to do, you will insult me for reminding you that you don’t think. Just like Marugu used to attack any other dog that barked at me despite me stealing its fair share.
If you are not a MBWA in the head stand upright like the homo erectus you are and defend your dignity.
Hellen Keller : I overcome deafness and blindness sufficiently to be happy, and I supposed that anyone could come out victorious if he threw himself valiantly into life's struggle.
Keller's biography can be found @
21 Things Every Nairobian has done at least Once
2. Pressed the Lift Buttonmore than Once when in a Hurry
3. Downloaded Pirated Music
4. Exchanged words witha ‘Ma3’ conductor
5. Spent at least 2 hours in the Jam
6. Used Traffic Jam as an excuse for being late even when it isn’t
7. Used a Cyber Café
8. Got soaked wet in the Nairobi Rain.
9. Felt the wrath of an unexpected Pothole
10. Bought an item from ‘Mtumba’
11. After buying the item from ‘Mtumba’,realized could have bought it for half the price elsewhere.
12. Caught the Nairobi Flu
13. Wished they could work in a different town
14. Saved someone in their phone as ‘Don’t pick’
15. Skipped Church on a Sunday
16. Tried to ‘Tweng’
17. Looked back when you heard, “Pssst Pssst!” on the street
18. Passed in front of Hilton Hotel
19. Encountered either ‘Kanjo’ or Traffic copsor ‘Ngeta’ guys or more than one of the above.
20. Concocted an acronym to avoid typing the full word in an SMS.
21. Went back up country and felt like everyone is ‘Shao’
Discipline : What is the pain of discipline?
The pain of discipline is the pain that you must endure to create the habits that will grant you your desires. Only through right habits can you succeed; it is right habits alone that grant you your desires.
Right habits come through pain. Fortunately the pain of developing right habits is a temporary pain, but the benefits of right habits will last a lifetime.
It takes about six to nine months to form a sustainable habit. I didn’t say three weeks, I said it takes about six to nine months, depending on what the habit is. You may be thinking “That’s hard,” yeah, well so is a lifetime of regret.
The pain of discipline is a small pain to endure, when you consider all that it promises.
As an example, the pain of creating the habit of working out and eating right over the next nine months is not nearly as grievous as the pain of living an unhealthy life. The pain of discipline is a temporary pain.
As another example, the pain of developing the habits that the most successful people in your industry possess will take time indeed, but they will serve you well for the rest of your life.
Your life will produce results based on your kinds of habits. You can’t produce a successful life, if you don’t have successful habits. Like I often say, everybody can run, but everybody doesn’t have the habit of running everyday. Everybody can work, but everyone’s not committed to having the
Judge Not!
I say 'Judge Not' Though I know this is a difficult task…. We are always find ourselves judging others, things and situations!
Just imagine meeting someone new, in a moment, you’ve already judged them; in a split second, your mind has placed a hundred judgments on them. You’ve judged where you’ve met them, you’ve judged their attire, you’ve judged who introduced you to them, you’ve judged their looks, and you’ve judged the kind of car they arrived in, etc…
Our minds are a “judgment machine!”
Let's discuss the amazing life you can live when you get free from judging every person you meet and every situation you experience. I believe if we can learn to judge less, then we can live happier, more purposeful, and more fulfilled lives. This may very well be one of most important articles you’ve ever read. So don’t judge it based on what you’ve read thus far,don't judge, don’t judge it based on me, just be open to experience what life is trying to teach you in this moment. You’re reading this for a reason, you were destined to show up to this site, at this or a later moment.
Why should you judge less?
All Kenya Needs on jubilee Year is Peace and more Peace.....
Lets all preach peace as we head to the general Elections.