21 Things Every Nairobian has done at least Once

1. Used the words “Me I”
2. Pressed the Lift Buttonmore than Once when in a Hurry
3. Downloaded Pirated Music
4. Exchanged words witha ‘Ma3’ conductor
5. Spent at least 2 hours in the Jam
6. Used Traffic Jam as an excuse for being late even when it isn’t
7. Used a Cyber Café
8. Got soaked wet in the Nairobi Rain.
9. Felt the wrath of an unexpected Pothole
10. Bought an item from ‘Mtumba’
11. After buying the item from ‘Mtumba’,realized could have bought it for half the price elsewhere.
12. Caught the Nairobi Flu
13. Wished they could work in a different town
14. Saved someone in their phone as ‘Don’t pick’
15. Skipped Church on a Sunday
16. Tried to ‘Tweng’
17. Looked back when you heard, “Pssst Pssst!” on the street
18. Passed in front of Hilton Hotel
19. Encountered either ‘Kanjo’ or Traffic copsor ‘Ngeta’ guys or more than one of the above.
20. Concocted an acronym to avoid typing the full word in an SMS.
21. Went back up country and felt like everyone is ‘Shao’

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