
[caption id="attachment_687" align="alignnone" width="432"]obama and family with smart phones Top: obama and family during the first term swearing in ceremony in 2009
Below: Obama and family using smart-phones during the swearing in ceremony for a second term in office in 2013[/caption]

This era of the smartphones!!!!!!

21 Things Every Nairobian has done at least Once

1. Used the words “Me I”
2. Pressed the Lift Buttonmore than Once when in a Hurry
3. Downloaded Pirated Music
4. Exchanged words witha ‘Ma3’ conductor
5. Spent at least 2 hours in the Jam
6. Used Traffic Jam as an excuse for being late even when it isn’t
7. Used a Cyber Café
8. Got soaked wet in the Nairobi Rain.
9. Felt the wrath of an unexpected Pothole
10. Bought an item from ‘Mtumba’
11. After buying the item from ‘Mtumba’,realized could have bought it for half the price elsewhere.
12. Caught the Nairobi Flu
13. Wished they could work in a different town
14. Saved someone in their phone as ‘Don’t pick’
15. Skipped Church on a Sunday
16. Tried to ‘Tweng’
17. Looked back when you heard, “Pssst Pssst!” on the street
18. Passed in front of Hilton Hotel
19. Encountered either ‘Kanjo’ or Traffic copsor ‘Ngeta’ guys or more than one of the above.
20. Concocted an acronym to avoid typing the full word in an SMS.
21. Went back up country and felt like everyone is ‘Shao’

Discipline : What is the pain of discipline?

The pain of discipline is the pain that you must endure to create the habits that will grant you your desires. Only through right habits can you succeed; it is right habits alone that grant you your desires.
Right habits come through pain. Fortunately the pain of developing right habits is a temporary pain, but the benefits of right habits will last a lifetime.

It takes about six to nine months to form a sustainable habit. I didn’t say three weeks, I said it takes about six to nine months, depending on what the habit is. You may be thinking “That’s hard,” yeah, well so is a lifetime of regret.

previewThe pain of discipline is a small pain to endure, when you consider all that it promises.

As an example, the pain of creating the habit of working out and eating right over the next nine months is not nearly as grievous as the pain of living an unhealthy life. The pain of discipline is a temporary pain.
As another example, the pain of developing the habits that the most successful people in your industry possess will take time indeed, but they will serve you well for the rest of your life.

Your life will produce results based on your kinds of habits. You can’t produce a successful life, if you don’t have successful habits. Like I often say, everybody can run, but everybody doesn’t have the habit of running everyday. Everybody can work, but everyone’s not committed to having the

Judge Not!

I say 'Judge Not' Though I know this is a difficult task…. We are always find ourselves judging others, things and situations!

Judge notJust imagine meeting someone new, in a moment, you’ve already judged them; in a split second, your mind has placed a hundred judgments on them. You’ve judged where you’ve met them, you’ve judged their attire, you’ve judged who introduced you to them, you’ve judged their looks, and you’ve judged the kind of car they arrived in, etc…

Our minds are a “judgment machine!”

Let's discuss the amazing life you can live when you get free from judging every person you meet and every situation you experience. I believe if we can learn to judge less, then we can live happier, more purposeful, and more fulfilled lives. This may very well be one of most important articles you’ve ever read. So don’t judge it based on what you’ve read thus far,don't judge, don’t judge it based on me, just be open to experience what life is trying to teach you in this moment. You’re reading this for a reason, you were destined to show up to this site, at this or a later moment.

Why should you judge less?



All Kenya Needs on jubilee Year is Peace and more Peace.....
Lets all preach peace as we head to the general Elections.

Happy New Year 2013!!

Wish You All A Great, Prosperous, Blissful, Healthy, Bright, Delightful, Mind Blowing, Energetic, Terrific & Extremely HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013!!

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500"] HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013[/caption]